We're #CrowdFunding & We Need Your Help!

As I'm sure most will be now aware, we have found what we think could be our perfect new venue and we're getting close to completion.

We will be maintaining what you have all become accustomed to as far as we can so we will still be doing our renowned Wine & Tapas evenings, I will still be making the incredible Prawn Pil Pil, and both of us will still be behind the bar to help you choose your perfect wine and make friends!

But, of course we want to up our game! We have invested a lot into the premises and have stretched ourselves to create a wonderful ambiance, but something that has been a passion of my own along with suggestions from others is to install a "Wine by the Glass machine"

How they work is simple, we give you a card which can be pre-loaded with credit, of which the machine will scan in exchange for a measures of of your choice from a shot to a glass of any of the wines available. We are aiming to have 8 wines in the machine, 4 Red & 4 White/Rosé at any one time, which we will rotate on a regular basis to constantly let you try new things. Otherwise to its ideal serving temperature control; the secret is its ability to maintain a wine's freshness for up to a month, therefore almost eliminating wastage especially for such premium or lesser known wines that would otherwise be disposed of (or otherwise consumed by us...have we thought this through properly??)

Of course, as you might imagine, these things are frighteningly expensive and quite out of our personal reach, which is where you can help!

We have created a Crowd Funding campaign, where simply you can help us reach our goal to pay for a machine by pledging money to us of of which we will "reward" you in the future. For example if you pledge £200, we will gift you one of our Wine & Tapas evenings for you and 5 friends. You would basically be paying upfront for the event which allows us to raise immediate capital...make sense? I hope so and I hope you might dig deep, as this will benefit you guys too, we want this machine for you!

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